Monday, May 2, 2011

My Favorite Amazonian Bird!

This was my favorite bird to listen to in Peru. You'll understand when you hear it, at least I hope.

The ones we saw were yellow though I think... But they literally make the sound of water dripping! They're called oropendolas apparently. I'm really excited that I found a clip for you guys, I really miss hearing this every day. Especially now that birds are coming back north because they think winter's over (yeah I thought so too guys..) and I'm realizing how boring birds are here. Who knew that was something I'd ever notice?

those dangly lookin things are their nests. and I guess we didn't get any pictures of the actual birds, but obviously you can see them in the video.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ever Watched River Monsters?

This blog basically is for anyone that has spare time that you might want to spend getting to know some of the things I witnessed :) but not necessarily from my point of view this time.

I just discovered this show because I was looking for some other show I remembered liking on Animal Planet. Thought it would be fun to reminisce and watch the Amazon Assassins episode. Basically I just want to puke. Who convinced me that getting in this river every day to bathe when you CLEARLY can't see anything around you AT ALL was a good idea??? Oh my gosh. It's been how long since I've even been there and I'm still terrified of what could have happened to me haha. I mean Kirstin did get bit by a pirahna twice -while I was in the river with her, did I mention that part?-and Taylor either cut his finger on something or got bit by who knows what -let's be honest, the chances of either of those are equally likely...

But anyways. Here's the link to the first part of the episode   and from there you can click on the 2nd-6th or 7 parts I don't remember how many. I haven't finished it yet, but actually just watching the first part is fun because I saw the giant dinosaur fish they're talking about! Except we called it a 'paiche'. Saw them at the zoo. We've got some pictures but probably not very good ones. And seriously, they were 7-9 feet long, huuuuuuge fish, they really do jump out of the water like that, but thank goodness I only saw them at the zoo.

So if anyone happens to watch this with me, or even part of it, you should comment so I can talk about it with you! I thought this blog might be a little more fun than my boring back-at-home-life. :)